Sunday 4 April 2010

The Good The Bad and The Ugly of my week

Happy Easter all I hope you have all had a lovely long break, if you have been unfortunate enough to have been working I hope you are on at least double pay. I used to work in retail and now love my weekends even more than I ever thought possible!

It seems funny to be sitting writing this as I gaze out of the window and I can see the sea. Spurs boy and I have taken Little man and my brother to Cornwall for the Easter break and we have had a lovely time. What have you all done? Too many easter eggs?

The Good

Having an easter egg for breakfast, ok it's maybe not the ideal nutritious start to the day but it is lovely :-))

We <3 Munich, we absolutely loved our visit (except the football!) and we hope to go again soon. We met some really nice people whilst we were out there and hope to see them again soon :-))
My headaches are definitely less with my reading glasses, thank goodness.

I've still been able to put in a bit of revision time, my exam is in ten days. TEN DAYS! Excuse me whilst I just scream with panic...

Having a paddle in the sea; it was bloomin freezing but fun.

I love parties, and where I volunteer they had a big party and there was vanilla slices, cheesy music (Macarena, Cha Cha Slide etc) and pink lemonade. It was amazing! We had a lot of fun, our feet hurt from dancing though but that is the sign of a good party :-))

The Bad

Before we went to Germany unfortunately Spurs boy had man flu and then on the plane he seemed to develop flu and then he had a horrible chesty cough for our trip :-((

My German is not as good as I thought, will need to get better if we go back. Although it was more fun to try to struggle through...

Do you remember I hated coffee? Well now without my early morning coffee I get grumpy... apparently...

The Ugly

Football. Football. Football. 2-1 is not a nice defeat, especially when you suffer it twice in a week. Rooney we miss you and Drogba you were very much offside. A saviour is needed for Wednesday, please may he stand up (whoever he may be) and score. Spurs boy was also not happy with football either, but Chris Kamara cheered our moods for a little time :-))

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