As well as having a change around on my blog page I found some other handy little tips and thought that I would share them with you.
I got this blog page template from but there are many other websites to choose from. They have options for 3 and 4 column templates. They also provide help on how to make this template your own ie, colours, fonts etc it does involve knowing a little about html but they do guide you through what to do. I'm very pleased with this page and I do like purple as you can tell and even my twitter page has recently been taken over by purple too.
I got my twitter background from but again there are many other choices.
Speaking of twitter I added a twibbon to my profile picture from, Stephen Fry added the Norwich FC twibbon at the weekend (Yes that was before they lost 7-1 to Colchester and yes he still has it on his picture!). There are a lot of charity ones and a lot of choice and there is also an option to make your own twibbon! So for all you creative folk go give it a try!
Another tip I have found is to get your blog or website added on google search via their google submit page at
Also I found a website called Spottt! You show an advert of another Spottt user on your blog page and they will show yours. The amount that the adverts are seen depends on how many visits you get every day but is another free way to drive traffic to your blog/website.
As you have probably noticed I now have a signature at the bottom of my newest posts I made this using, you can design your own for free.
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