Little shoots poking through,these are my jalapeno's and sweet red peppers :-)
This week has been made all the brighter for the sunshine making a welcome return. Hello Mr *waves*, please stay a while! I've managed to go swimming three times! My knee is getting back to it's normal self, I do miss running though - never thought I'd admit that!
- This week saw the passing of a true Hollywood legend, Dame Elizabeth Taylor. I remember reading Little Women when I was at school (It is one of my favourites still) and I saw the film shortly after with Elizabeth playing Amy. RIP Dame Elizabeth Taylor
- Do you have a dirty mind? I do! Apparently it might mean you have a smarter mind!
- I have a love/hate relationship with catchy adverts. This one is the new one, but the advert does make me remember what it's advertising so it does it's job :-)
- Do you have a GTD set-up? Or no idea where to start? Here's one way of doing it
- I need to do a few trips next week into London via the tube, this sums up my feelings about next week's travelling
- With Mother's Day coming, these cookies are a great idea.
- Another cinema trip this week and we saw the Thor trailer
I sat there baffled at who was playing Thor, I'd seen him before... but where? A quick google after the film finished and it's Chris Hemsworth who played Kim in Home & Away. Ohhhhhhhhh!
- I get to buy my iPad 2 today! W00T W00T!
How was your week?

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