I've always liked Muse but found working in a record store for several years had (as with other musical tastes of mine) made it turn from like into love. As with anything though the more you talk about something you like the more it seems to turn into being something you really enjoy. Daily conversations about mutual music tastes in the store made me know more about the bands I'd liked.
Recently a new audience is asking "Who are Muse?" and especially after the following advert
I did finally get to see them live last year and it was truly amazing. Definitely recommended to all those who haven't seen them and want to. Book tickets when you see them available!
Some of my favourite Muse tracks;
I really like "Time is running out" live when the whole audience sings along. Spine tingly good :-)
I love playing "Knights of Cydonia" on Guitar Hero.
"Undisclosed Desires" is one of my favourite karaoke tracks. I love this song!
A friend on twitter (A fellow Muse fan) then sent me this link - Muse at Wembley in 360
I should add I started liking them a long way before the Twilight movies!

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