If your home is anything like mine after Christmas it's full of chocolates, biscuits and crisps. How anyone sets a New Years Resolution for losing weight when there is so much temptation around is beyond me. Maybe they have better willpower than me!
So my operation went well yesterday but let's just say I'm not going to be moving much (if at all) now I'm home and resting. Did I mention I hate resting? Bah! Grumps.
So with all this temptation of eating junk food and being able to do little exercise, I have decided to set myself a New Years Resolution. Kind of anyway. There are a lot of pressures for girls to be "thin" and already this year so far I've seen many blogs writing about losing weight and the pressure put on by the media to do so.
So I've decided that this year I'm going to have more of an attitude to be curvy like this...
Ah Christina Hendricks. Extreme girl crush.
So 2011 is going to be the year I appreciate my curves. I'll still exercise but purely because it's good for my health! :-)
So pass me another chocolate (box) and does changing channels on a remote count as exercise?

Good for you Sarah !!! Hope your knee is on the mend. You can wind your watch up with the window open, that counts !!!
Haha! That's hilarious! You go, girl :P
Get well soon!
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