I was tagged by Typecast and it was originally started by Rosie Scribble.
The rules are
1. Name a song that makes you happy - a song you would listen to if you needed a sudden injection of happiness
So here goes
My song would have to be Michael Buble's "Everything" as whenever I hear it I'm smiling and singing along!
The picture has to be cup cakes!
I'm always happiest also with a box of yummy cakes, iced and decorated and all scrummy and gorgeous! Nom nom! Also today is Chocolate Cake Day!
So with Michael Buble and cakes I'm a happy girl.
Next I have to tag 5 people
Jools from My Blog and I
Carina from Miss Carina
Rachel from Polka Dot Stripes
Sidrah from Going Solo
Sarah from Kookylicious
Looking forward to see what they pick :-)

Michael Bublé holding a cupcake... mmmmmmmmmm
Good choice :D Thanks for joining in x
Thanks for inviting me!
heyy Sarah! thanks for tagging me.. i disappeared from the blogging world =[
but am gonna do this now! =)
p.s. listening to your happy song ^^
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