Every year there always seems to be a lot of films to look forward to at the cinema and this year is no different. I have already seen Up in the Air and thought I'd go through the other films that I'm looking forward to.
Here's my Top Ten that I'm looking forward to
Peter Jackson's The Lovely Bones film adaptation of Alice Sebold's book of the same name
Jeff Bridges plays a country music singer who is down on his luck and he is helped by a journalist who finds out about the man behind the musician in Crazy Heart. Colin Farrell (swoon!) is in it too
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway. This website is enough to get me excited about it!

Matt Damon (swoon!) and Paul Greengrass (Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum re-team up for Green Zone.
Sex and the City 2 is out this year, and now we're 4 months into the future from where the first film ended. The usual cast, fashion and drama!
I loved the film Vanilla Sky and this sees Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz team up again in this action comedy film Knight and Day.
Toy Story 3. The toys are back in town.
Getting to the end of the Harry Potter series comes the first installment of the Deathly Harrows book (Excited? Very!)
My favourite book of the Narnia series comes to cinema screens later this year

I note you've taken over the film review mantle!! Some good films in there; so I'll add my two-penny worth at some point.
Thank you!
Look forward to reading it x
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