The Good
I have been doing a lot more driving this week and confidence is up! Even better now that the snow has gone :-)
Also good news that the snow has gone as can now wear 'normal' shoes and was pleased to be back in my heels at the end of the week.
This week I started reviewing products for DynaGirl and this week it was Laidbare Sunflower Handcream which was absolutely gorgeous! DynaGirl is the first person I've ever met off twitter (so far) and she is fab! Check out her store for more reasons to spend spend spend or better still, get the hints out ready for your man for Valentine's Day gifts!
Spurs Boy has been out of the country this weekend and isn't back till Tuesday :-( but have been able to have uber catch up time with my best mate which has been amazing! We went yesterday to see Up In The Air with George Clooney (swoon!) Vera Farminga, Anna Kendrick and Jason Bateman. It is such an amazing film with such a great quote that I now probably will use a lot "Everyone needs a co-pilot" and I still can't find anything I didn't like about the film (and that's quite impressive for me). Check out the trailer here
I saw the trailer for The Good Wife soon to be on Channel 4 and I'm already hooked. I loved Julianna Marguiles in ER and of course Chris Noth in Sex and the City and Law and Order so this programme already had me intrigued. Check out this behind the scenes footage trailer here
Flat update - moving stuff over into Spurs Boy's place for now until we work out what we're going to do. He said I can bring in "girlie" touches, I'm not into that kind of thing so we'll see. Will be looking for some furniture help though so will probably post up choices on here
This week me and my best mate have been asked to attend a Jukari course in London (JUKARI = REEBOK + CIRQUE DU SOLEIL = JUKARI Fit to Fly). I am really excited as we have the session in the morning, then lunch and then an afternoon of spa pampering treatments.
Loving playing Words With Friends on the iPhone, had it ages but recently more people seem to have it. It's a free app that is like scrabble, if you want a game my username is - blissbubbley on there too.
The Bad
I'd got addicted to Airline Conquerer USA on my iPhone and there was a new update and now it's just too complicated and my highest score was over 800 and now I'm lucky to get to 100. Frustrated me loads this week!
I don't like invoicing - but I need to do it to get paid!
The Ugly

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