Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows comes out tomorrow. I'm this excited *stretches arms out as far as I can*. So you see? Oh you can't. Oh well, imagine a kid on Christmas morning? Yes that's me. I'm THAT excited :-P
This time tomorrow I'll be watching the new one. Yes that's right I have tickets to see it at 9am. You see I'm THAT excited! Bestie and I booked the day off as soon as we knew the release date and booked our tickets. Only we're not going once but twice. In the same day!
We're gonna watch it again in the afternoon. It's something we've always done since the first one came out and we're not stopping the tradition now. At the time when the first one came out I worked at my local cinema and I loved how people got dressed up to watch it with cloaks and hats. I won't be dressing up, I don't do that kind of thing!
Daniel Radcliffe admitted that after the set closed for Harry Potter he took some of the Harry Potter glasses as a memento.
For me I'd have taken the sorting hat, I can be so very indecisive and it would be nice to have someone to help me make up my mind for me. I'd put him in the hall so that as soon as people enter he'd be there to talk to them. Oh that would be so cool!
What would you have taken from the set?
Are you going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?