Another random blog from me - but I'm guessing you might be getting used to it by now :-) So anyway in a light hearted conversation with Spurs boy over what jobs we would do if we didn't have our current ones, it turns out I would like a job as a food critic!
But maybe not so much the writing part as the eating part. I do love food. As we enter into Christmas festivities it's true that each year I say I won't go mad and stuff my face - but I know I will. You can't beat a good food coma can you?
Recently I've been on a few training workshops and conferences and I'm always delighted when they have a free buffet as a) It's free and b) I don't get lost trying to find somewhere to eat and then back to the place I was. I've also taken to rating the food into for example "Oh it's not as good as when we were on that first aid course last month is it?". You see, I could be quite good at this.
Now I've since done a little bit of research and found out these little pointers;
- Travel to food and wine festivals - This is no problem :-)
- Study the art of cooking - Again no problem. I did a few cookery classy type things with Spurs boy over Valentines :-)
- Build your culinary vocabulary - I think I can do that!
- Try to take a few wine classes and make many visits to wineries -Again no problems here :-)
- Learn at least one language fluently as well as being versed in the languages of Japan, China and the Mediterranean - Oh wow this is the serious part! Although pretty cool all the same.
Then after a bit more digging about I found where you can upload your own restaurant reviews.
Hmm this could all start to become a new hobby of mine, although I admit food probably already is a hobby of mine :-) I did a bit of cupcake testing when I was in New York this year and got free cupcakes. Maybe a cake tester? Ooo does anyone want to send me cakes and I'll review them here? *silence* Ah well. Nice to dream eh?
How about some Whoopie Pies?
Oh and what did Spurs boy say he'd like to be... a Jedi of course :-)
What would your fantasy job be?
I've changed my blog signature as I fancied a little change. :-)
What would your fantasy job be?
I've changed my blog signature as I fancied a little change. :-)

1 comment:
I like the new signature :)
I think I'd be... a... professional slacker!
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