I had noticed over the last couple of days that a few bloggers had been going with the 'back to school' theme, even if they were not actually going back to school. As someone who had lost their way with exactly what I was doing with my little space on the interweb, I decided to jump on this theme as a new starting block for me too.
Whilst many do see the start of a year to be about resolutions and goals, I have to confess that it's September that gives me more of a focus. I might have left school years ago (more than I care to count) but some habits cannot be broken. Here are my 'back to school resolutions'
To blog more - quite simply I will be updating this blog more. For someone who ALWAYS has something to say it has been weird that I've felt disconnected from this blog. It's mine. It's helped me through some pretty tough times and I do miss it. I can't promise I'll be here each week but you will definitely see me here at least once a month.
Get organised - I've felt recently that I'm not as organised as I could be. I have felt sometimes like I'm treading water a bit and really it's just a fluke that stuff is getting things done - sorry Dad, I will get better at GTD. I have got my work schedule under control now it's just everything else that I need/want to fit in, all starting with home. I've started on a new system in the last week, which is partly why I'm here writing this now as it was in my schedule. So that has worked! I'm trialling out a few methods which I'll share on here once I've got into a more regular swing with it all.
Run it - I'm back running again. It hurts a lot and people seem to focus more on why it might be hurting me (running style) than actually congratulating me for getting running again. My knee feels good and I hope that I can keep this up through the colder months... the rain and the dark nights do not become my best running friend. I'll get there. I've organised a running plan, mixed with some yoga and also a little bit of weight training which I've never really done before. I haven't made a weekly plan but a monthly one as my schedule and life get pretty busy at times so I have instead scheduled a number of times I need to workout across the month. I've always worked to a weekly plan before so even that is making me feel a little at sea.
Coping with my anxiety better - It's never going to go completely, it's always there. Sometimes it might go for a while but it always comes back. I am getting better at dealing with it when it's here and that's something that can always continue to be improved on.
Bake more - Quite simply I want to bake more. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a hot water crust pastry until last week's Bake Off - I have much to learn apparently!
Learn a new language - I've been promising to do this for years but I have scheduled time to do it this time around.
The thing is a lot of my life comes down to being organised. I'm not saying I'm prepared for everything but I do work better with a bit of structure. Maybe that's why I did enjoy school, the routine of it all.
I wouldn't want to go back. I'm happy in the here and now.
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