
Monday, 19 November 2012

Music Monday: Gabrielle Aplin - The Power of love

The song features in the Christmas John Lewis advert and helps bring home the emotion and pure joy that Christmas can bring to you. The first time I saw the advert I couldn't help but do a great big "awwwwww" at the end and also wipe away a few tears. So simple. So lovely. So expensive to make! 

The song 'The Power of Love' was of course a Frankie Goes to Hollywood song but now sung slower it seems to take new life. A female voice takes the song back to its original edge and you feel the words pass through you with almost a chill and then your heart lurches with emotion.


"Make Love Your Goal"

I think the John Lewis advert and of course the Coca Cola adverts are my favourites this year. Marks and Spencer's one is particularly weak although they get massive props for including a child with Downs Syndrome, even though it wasn't their own idea really.

Also check out more from Gabrielle Aplin on her YouTube channel

 "Dreams are like angels..."


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