
Monday, 25 July 2011

Music Monday: Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own

Rest in peace Amy

It would have been wrong of me not to do a Music Monday for Amy Winehouse after the sad news of her death this weekend. I have been a big fan of her musical career and "Tears dry on their own" played at a time for me when I could not see my way through a break up. Somehow listening to the lyrics it bucked up my ideas.

Of course over the past few days we have seen some truly horrific scenes from Norway, watching the footage reminded me of the first time I had heard about the 9/11 and the sheer pull of a knot in my stomach at watching it on the news. Then 7/7 flooded into my head, I was supposed to have been in London that day, a postponed training day meant I was at home when the attacks happened. Again the same knot was felt in my stomach, the shock and the despair that you cannot make everything better with one sweep of your magic wand. The strength that the families find in these times is something I cannot even begin to imagine. 

It's a reminder to us all that life can be bloody cruel at times and really we all need to stop putting our own lives on pause...

Don't wait to do something, DO IT NOW!

If there's a guy or girl out there who doesn't know how madly head over heels in love you are with them... TELL THEM
If there's someone you have been meaning to see for days/weeks/months/years(!)... THEN GO SEE THEM
If you just want to sit with your best friend and watch soppy girlie movies and cry, laugh & gossip... THEN GO DO IT
Whatever you're waiting on... GO DO IT

Stop putting your life on hold. Life is too short and precious to put everything on that rainy day. Make your time count :-)


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Sarah. There is so much tragedy in life that we need to remember to make the most of what we have.


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