
Friday, 29 July 2011

Weekly Loves

Yep another (!) instagram picture :-)

So I've decided there are going to be a few changes on my blog, nothing major really but this is more of a "head's up" really. For as long as I can remember I have posted every weekday at 9am GMT like an organised OCD freak (apart from the times where RSS/twitter have let me down anyway!) and this is going to change. Music Mondays and this Weekly Loves have become the mainstays of this blog and I like that but from next week I might not post anything new on here on Tuesday or Wednesday or maybe even Thursday. I'm going to blog a bit random for a while. This could either be the making of me or the breaking of me I admit but I want to give it a whirl.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

mypure Review: Alva Rhassoul Pimple Stick

Back in my teenage years I had really bad acne and my skin is much better than it used to be but I do get the odd pimple still every now and then except they are big pimples! I had my eye on Alva's Pimple Stick for a while now and can tell you it has been worth using it.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Are emails taking over your life?

One of the first things I did when I got my iPhone was to set up my emails on it and set to be alerted when I recieved a new message... BIG MISTAKE. I don't have a lot of email accounts but I have a work one, personal one, one for my blogs and another for social media accounts. My work email is the most important and most of my work is done via email so I have to do regular checks of this account. The others not so much.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Sarah Loves... Gardener's World

I was so tempted to photoshop him into a devil... ;-)

I'm already blushing about this one but I've started so I'll continue. You will know by now that I love gardening and yes Gardener's World is one of my weekly must see programmes. I have to admit I did get a bit wayward with watching it when Monty Don had left but now he's back it's fabulous!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Music Monday: Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own

Rest in peace Amy

It would have been wrong of me not to do a Music Monday for Amy Winehouse after the sad news of her death this weekend. I have been a big fan of her musical career and "Tears dry on their own" played at a time for me when I could not see my way through a break up. Somehow listening to the lyrics it bucked up my ideas.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Weekly Loves

Taken with instagram... yep still addicted!

I was given this flower pot two months ago from my Mum's friend and back then it was all foliage and no flowers. After a few weeks there was no buds and I was starting to wonder if I had been given the wrong pot. But then suddenly flowers! Everywhere! Beautiful tendrils of colour over the pot and I'm de-heading (that sounds so cruel) so even more flowers are coming. Beautiful! I just have no idea what flowers they are... *writes on to-do list to find out*

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Top Posts!

After a while of writing a blog you'll find that you might have started to look into your top posts. Here you'll maybe find out what people enjoy reading from your site or wonder "why is that a favourite?". It can make you feel a little bit stalked in many ways as I had a look through my blog's popular posts.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

mypure Review: Alva Coleur Organic Eyeshadow

I had been keeping my tabs on this eyeshadow for a while as I have always had a problem with finding a good eyeshadow that didn't crease and give that horrible line around your eye socket. I have tried may different eyeshadows and eye primers and as such had given up about a year ago at trying to find a good eyeshadow. Now I've found it. About time really.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Listography: Top 5 Bands I'd Like To See Live

Another listography from Kate Takes 5 and this is one I jumped at doing; Top 5 Bands I'd Like To See Live -

This is going to be fun, possibly expensive but nonetheless fun :-)

Monday, 18 July 2011

Music Monday: Alice Cooper - School's Out

It's about now that the school's are out for the Summer holidays, college and uni students have also finished for the year too. The morning drive to work is about to get a lot easier as the roads become empty again. Yay! This song as apparent by the title of it always reminds me of end of year school fun and none so more than the final year of secondary school.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Weekly Loves

I am very much addicted to instagram :-)

Instagram is very much my new obsession. I love the effects that you can get on your photos. You can follow my photo feed on there as I am blissbubbley on there too. Drop me a comment below or follow me on instagram and I'll follow you back!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Image is from HERE

I've blogged before about my own "sorry issues" and then at the weekend I experienced a case of someone needing to say sorry and they just didn't. The situation was getting worse and the word was not forthcoming. I became irate but in my calm way. I'll explain;

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Kindle vs Books

I love reading and I've loved the ease of being able to read on my iPad using either the iBooks app or the Amazon kindle app. I admit I tend to use the Amazon app mostly but I still have many annoyances with kindle books.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Sarah Loves... The Sopranos

This ground breaking series is one of my all time favourites and I am loving the episodes being repeated on Sky Atlantic even though I do have the boxsets. But sitting down to watch them for some reason every week is good, much like The X- Files repeats too. Yeah writing that it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's what I do.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Music Monday: Coldplay - Fix You

'Fix You' has the capability to make me sing a long, cry, weep, think about stuff I've done, think about stuff I've not done, cry again, think about stuff.... it's an ongoing thing. Coldplay have been a big favourite for some time and I'm glad that they are back. They could feature in future Music Monday posts quite a bit!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Weekly Loves

Take That stage at Wembley :-)

Yes I finally saw Take That and I broke all the rules set out for me here in about the first 20 minutes. Oops! Was fantastic though, sore feet (too much dancing!) and no voice the day after (too much screaming!). One song I was not expecting to sing was the national anthem as we were at the national stadium! It was a bit weird having Take That make us sing it! If you've got tickets for the tour and not seen it yet, you are in for a treat!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Feeding the bees

Carrying on with the bee theme of recent weeks, if you decide to get yourself a beehive or maybe even a bee box you might want to know how to encourage bees in. It's easier with a beehive as you will already have a colony but you still need to feed the bees to encourage them to produce more honey and of course keep a happy hive.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Today this could be the greatest day of our lives

"Today this could be the greatest day of our lives"... Finally the day has come... finally I get to see Take That at Wembley. It's been an age waiting for this day and trying to avoid as many spoilers as I can. But it's here, it's finally here :-)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Harry Potter geek

Image from HERE

I've always been a Harry Potter geek ever since reading the very first page of J.K. Rowlings books. I was hooked. When the films started to come out, this made me ever more of a geek as I was sure in another life I would go to Hogwarts (it's better than coming back as a pig or something isn't it? No offence to pigs!!)

Monday, 4 July 2011

Music Monday: Foo Fighters - Dear Rosemary

Saw them yesterday. They absolutely and totally rocked. Rumours are abound that their will be a big stadium tour towards the end of the year, you must go see! Dear Rosemary is one of my faves from the new album and I love this video of their performance on Letterman :-)

Friday, 1 July 2011

Weekly Loves

Christmas in June. Taken with instagram

Yes that's right. Christmas in June. As Simon and Erin from Never Ending Voyage were home and they missed Christmas celebrations last year. It did feel slightly weird to be celebrating Christmas on the hottest day of the year but :-)