
Friday, 13 May 2011

Weekly Loves

A friend popped over for a cuppa and a chat and she brought along these. They didn't last long....

So where has all that sunshine that April gave us gone? That said most of my plants are currently growing at a quick rate, my courgette, peppers and tomatoes and well on their way. I've got the lovely job of cleaning out our water butt of leaves this weekend. How rock n roll is that?

I might be the only person who feels this way but... I'm really looking forward to Eurovision. Hello? Are you still here? Ha! I've not been a big fan of the competition and it's so political it's insane but it's fun. Stupid fun. But fun. My friend is hosting a party for it with foods and drinks from all the participating countries. Educational :-)

So my weekend consists of messy leafy water, foreign foods and drinks and a pile of college marking that is staring at me as I write this. What about you?

Other things this week;

- Have you ever wanted to know how much Carrie Bradshaw's life cost? One blogger has a go at working it out

- 88 ways to make a stranger smile

- I'd been looking for a new way to do my roast spuds. This will work; mustard roasted new potatoes

- I seem to have found a lot of food finds this week and this was another. These. Have. To. Be. Made. Chocolate Peanut puff pastry parcels

- Are you a fan of chilli? Here's 3 quick meals. Nom!

- If you exercise to try to keep in shape, how do you prefer to workout?

Have a good weekend, whatever you do! :-)

There is the small matter of a certain football team only needing 1 point. This girl is waiting to explode in excitement but it's not over yet...


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