
Monday, 2 May 2011

Another year older...

Yesterday I turned thirty. 30.

I woke up and it was just like every other morning except of course there were cards, presents and cake for breakfast!

But I didn't feel "old".

I used to think 30 was really old. When I was 27 I joked that I'd not turn 28 and stay 27 forever but actually 30 isn't bad at all. In fact I like it, really like it. I feel like I'm in control, I perhaps didn't always feel in control in my twenties but I do now.

Here are my rules for my thirties;

- You can still party hard but realise hangovers take days rather than hours to get over (this has already been the case for the last 4 years!!!)

- Keep learning new things, however small it is. Learn. Read. Do.

- Cake makes a great breakfast. In moderation of course as cake sticks to hips!

- Love your friends; from the ones who've seen you cry, fall and at all your worst moments to the ones you've yet to meet!

- Be in a relationship with someone older than you. Instantly you feel younger! ;-)

- You can still shop like a trooper but be warned certain fashion trends are not always worth following! Stick with what you feel comfortable in

- You're a grown up officially now. But you can still be a 30 year old girl. I'm a girl still. Just without the pink and fluffy stuff... but maybe with glitter!


You lot are awesome too :-)



  1. Happy belated birthday wishes for Monday. I've got 9 years on you here and already have next year's post planned in my head!

  2. I'm so behind in my google reader so I must have missed your birthday!!!

    I've got less than 12 months to get myself organised ;-)


I love to read all your comments and will always take the time to reply :-)