
Friday, 1 April 2011

Weekly Loves

Isn't it pretty? Well ok maybe not pretty to you but it is to me - my new toy, my iPad2 :-)

I've had a week of trying to get my iPad out of the clutches of Little man so that I could have a play so a few bribery games for his DS and he seems to have forgotten about my iPad. Phew! Mine! The main difference I can spot between my iPad and Spurs boys original one is the battery does last longer, much longer. Heehee!

I've been thoroughly bored of my journeys on the tube this week and bored of waiting around and finding my train kept getting cancelled. Booooo!

- To cheer myself up I made Peanut Butter Pecan Biscotti that I found over on ellieand and then found another cooking blog Joy The Baker, those Lemon Meringue Cookies are next on my list to try!

- If I had to seriously downsize and get a really small flat, I would like this place. How cool are those drawers!!!

- Maria asked Why do you blog? So if you do, why?

- I've been reviewing a few more things so those reviews will be coming shortly

- I need to stop watching The X-Files late at night, I keep spooky'ing myself out ;-)

- I've booked tickets to see The Foo Fighters Documentary Back and Forth next week!

- I screamed when I saw this video below, I'm excited and yet also sad that this one will mean it's all over! :-(

So what about you, what did you do this week?


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