
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Sarah Loves... Fleetwood Mac

I've been going through some of my favourite music tracks for a blog later this week and came across Fleetwood Mac's song "Everywhere". I've been a big fan of Fleetwood Mac since I was a child, my Dad listened to them a lot.

Having previously mentioned how much I loved working in music stores, one of the highlights before I got into the serious stuff like managing departments and stuff, was getting to pick music to play. There was so much choice. We had a 5 disc CD changer and every day someone would pick the CD's for the day. It took me ages to pick 5 CD's, what did I want to listen to? I'd often be seen planning a list on my break. GEEK ALERT!

I always picked a Fleetwood Mac CD. Always.

I could never get tired of "Everywhere".

3.04 is the bit you're after with "The Chain" ;-)

Sing with me "You can go your own way"...

I've always loved "Rhiannon" and again could never get tired of listening to it.

If you could pick 5 albums of choice to listen to, what would they be?

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