
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Sarah Loves... To Laugh

I love nothing more than having a good laugh, whether it be with friends, on twitter, watching TV. I love nothing more than having a good chuckle.

Here are some of my favourite TV laughs;

I admit I only saw the Nighttime Daytime sketch the other week and I have since been known to put my coat over my head and say Nighttime and then poke my head out and say Daytime. It really is a bit of a worry!

I still remember the first time I saw Del fall, it still makes me laugh so much now.

As a child I was fascinated by Tommy Cooper. I remember sitting and watching his sketches with my Grandad Harold. Always reminds me of him when I watch. I still laugh as much as I did back then.

I apologise for the colourful language in the next video but I love observational humour and this sketch makes me laugh as I have pebbles, candles and cushions...

So what makes you laugh?

1 comment:

  1. Great article.

    I'm always a cheery chappie!! Laughter is wonderful for dispelling fear (although some laughter is nervous!)

    Making people laugh and smile is a fabulous trait to have - and even if they don't remember you, they'll remember you made them laugh.

    Happy Days.....


I love to read all your comments and will always take the time to reply :-)