
Monday, 27 September 2010

My Circle of Trust

I'm a good sleeper (although not recently a good dreamer) and once I'm asleep I'm gone until my alarm goes off. On very rare occasions I will wake up through the night wide awake.

Everyone has their own ways of getting themselves back to sleep ie. turning the pillow over to the cold side, reading a book, and the list goes on. For me I get out of bed and grab my dressing gown and iPhone and head to the kitchen. With the kettle now on I now sit and go through my phone. I get lost in emails, games, twitter whilst enjoying my cuppa. I'm not one for lying in bed and waiting to get back to sleep. I find the need to get out of the bedroom and just forget about sleeping helps me to be able to return to sleep

One night last week I woke up suddenly in the night (it wasn't too late) and I did as I always do and sat at the dining room table with my cuppa and my phone. A few emails came through (some were spam!) and then there it was. An email caught my attention.

The email in question alerted me to a DM (direct message sent to me through twitter) from a lovely twitter friend who I truly cherish. The message doesn't have anything of main worry but I sense the need to reply and I do. My reply is not long just a reassuring thought and then at the end say I will message her on facebook in the morning. Straight away they reply and also we both comment on my sixth sense.

I'm by no way psychic at all and sometimes I do just simply wake up in the middle of the night. There have been more instances like the one last week where I have woken up and received various news and titbits of info though.

I love each and everyone of my twitter friends, I've been lucky to meet some of them and there are more yet to meet. The above twitter friend and I have this very easy relationship, it seems easy to pick up from and that can be difficult when we are both living busy lives and live far away from each other. It should I guess on paper not work. But it does. 

My sixth sense might fail at times but I will always make time for those I care about. Since I've been on twitter that circle of trust is expanding. I like it.

Oh and if you want to DM me at weird hours then feel free BUT I might be grouchy if it's spam!

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