
Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Kindle App for iPhone and iPad

I've always stuck to the idea that although I wanted a kindle I couldn't get my head around not reading an "actual book". I love the smell of a new book and turning over pages of a "real" book. So the kindle didn't really appeal to me. 

Then Spurs boy bought an iPad and all that changed.

With the Amazon Kindle app you have access to over 630,000 books through the kindle store. Wow. That's a lot of books.

Suddenly I found I was downloading the latest Jodi Picoult book onto the iPad. All my thoughts about missing an "actual" book were gone. I loved it. I spoke to my Dad who was thinking about buying the Kindle but then had downloaded the app for the iPhone and he was happy. I guess why buy something which has now become available on a gadget that you already have?

I have now downloaded the app for my iPhone and really I've now found I'm reading a lot more. I carry a lot of things to work and having a book to carry around aswell makes my bag heavy and bulky to carry. So of course having the ability for it to be in my phone saves my shoulders and some space in my bag for chocolate (kidding - that would be too much chocolate).

Also there are quite a lot of free books available and some for as cheap at 29p. These include classics like Alice in Wonderland and Treasure Island. 

Have you got a Kindle or an iPad?

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