
Monday, 12 April 2010

The Good The Bad and The Ugly of my week

A very strange week all in all. But glad the sunshine has been making an appearance this week. Always a plus!

How are we all?

The Good

In my Sarah Loves... Books blog  I wrote how much I was enjoying the first Gossip Girl book and would soon finish it. I have done so. Now onto book 2. Great stuff!

I really enjoyed sorting out my Giveaway and definitely need to set up another one soon!

I am rubbish at drawing, especially self portraits and as it turns out so are footballers

Read this thoughtful blog today by Dyna-Girl and so should you!

The Bad

How can my exam be this week? THIS WEEK? *screams and stomps feet* Nervous? Much!

It has been a terrible football time for me and Spurs boy. The next few weeks are critical for how the season will end. April 24th is D-Day for us though - Manchester United v Tottenham! 

The Ugly

Today I almost quit Twitter. Very almost. I didn't and I won't. Thank you to my Twitter friends who came and saved me at my moment of need, I love you all and know I am bigger than some ignorant tweeter. :-))

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