Watching the Blur documentary No Distance Left To Run about their journey from the late 80's to their return at Glastonbury and Hyde Park in the Summer of 2009.
The most interesting part is to hear them talk about how they felt before their reunion gigs. I did think that all four came across really well and I especially liked seeing how Graham and Damon had now made amends from the past. I especially liked it when Graham said that he and Damon were basically the same after all, but they "just do things differently".
I realised after watching the documentary that I had missed them and really missed their music. It really has been like getting an old friend back, so I put together a playlist and now got Blur music playing whenever I can. One of my favourite Blur songs is "Tender" and it was the first song that I played to my brother of their stuff, he had heard bits and bobs of their stuff but still to this day it's one of his favourite songs. So that's why it's mine really. Oh and the fact that we like to play it loud and sing it loud when we hear it!
You can still watch the documentary on the BBC iPlayer here Only for a limited time though.
Or you buy the DVD (just ordered the DVD myself) and there is the second DVD with The Hyde Park concert.
Oh and my little crush on Damon is back...
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