
Sunday, 7 March 2010

The Good The Bad and The Ugly of my week

Here's how my week has been this week, how was yours? Hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine

The Good

Spring seems to be here and I have been able to start some gardening, will blog about this later this week :-)

I'm still excited that I need reading glasses!

Still loving coffee and I definitely now realise what I was missing

Oh oh oh look who's coming back for United... Owen Hargreaves!

I love birthday cake (really it's any cake). It was Little man's birthday and this meant cakes, party bags and lots of children running amok. Weirdly the adults were more trouble than the kids!

Loved this that I got sent this week - 25 classic music album covers in lego style

The Bad

Michael Owen injured and out for the rest of the season and of course his slim hopes of going to the World Cup are now nil. :-(

Still haven't done my invoices...must do them this week :-)

The Ugly

My injection has now worn off and can feel everything and it hurts :-(

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