I wrote a post asking "Does anyone use a filofax anymore?" back in October and it turned out from people's comments on here and on my twitter page that they do indeed still use them. I had asked whether people instead used iPhone's (and of course could be blackberry too) and the general thing seemed to be to use both.
I did have my eye on this Butterfly Personal Organiser but decided that as I already had a filofax it was silly to go out and buy another. But couldn't actually work out where it was? A couple of searches through boxes and it was found (Yay!). Mine is the one pictured above and it is Mini size, it's actually perfect as it fits in my bag and is not too heavy. I noticed at a few meetings and trips on the tube into London that people do still use a filofax! At a meeting I went to this week they were using their filofaxes AND iPhone and Blackberry.
three cheers for the Filofax! Hip Hip...
ReplyDeleteI love my filofax!