
Monday, 31 August 2009

My trip to Old Trafford Cricket Ground

Having booked the tickets months ago I figured I wouldn't have had the need to take a coat and umbrella to watch the cricket at August bank holiday weekend, how was I wrong.

The weather had improved in the days leading up to Sunday before we went. It was feared it would just be rained off. On the morning's weather forecast it became more likely it would rain about 4 o' clock, and with it set to start at 2.30pm I thought well at least we'll get to see some cricket.

My brother and I tucked into a massive (and I mean massive) burger from one of the vans inside the ground and then went off to find our seats. It was cloudy and overcast but still relatively warm. Next to us on the right were some other England fans (one of whom I might add was dressed up as Wonder Woman, a man that is), to our left was some Aussie fans and as this game was England V Australia you can imagine the competition already was heating up! Behind us we had some people from New Zealand who actually didn't care who won!

Before it all started there was a parachute jump from the RAF Falcons which was fascinating to watch, although I thought they would never actually land in the ground the plane seemed so far away!

England selected to field, and although most people like to watch the team of their choice batting, my brother is a big Ryan Sidebottom fan (I think because of the name!) so I was pleased if rain was coming at least he would see him bowl. And so we did.

After the twenty overs Australia were 145-4. England came into bat and we were 4-2 in the second over before consistent rain caused the game to be abandoned. I might add my brother and I were absolutely soaked by now.

Although it was a shame to not see the game come to an end, at least we got to see some cricket. The second Twenty20 test yesterday never even got underway due to rain, although somewhat controversially I believe...

But overall we had a lot of fun and it was our first trip to watch live cricket and we'd definitely do it again, maybe for a test match next time though.

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