
Sunday, 12 July 2009

So what have I been up to since I last posted...

Well the other blog is coming along day by day, don't want to rush it. I have managed to do a lot of planning for my story, which has really helped gain more focus about where it might be going.
I went to see Transformers (I found out the Transformer I had as a child was one of the Decepticons, the evil ones - says a lot really) Revenge of the Fallen which was amazing and could be pushing it's way into my top 10. Major criticism though was it was about 45 mins too long but the action scenes were truly spectacular. This has led me to sign up to Flixster, I haven't actually managed to write any reviews on it just yet but will hopefully do so this week.
The fish are well, have just bought some food tablets that stick to the inside of the aquarium as my oranda fish seem to dislike flake foods, my danio's love it though. Typical! Peas are a favourite enjoyed by all. All of them now come to see you when you look in on them, although they associate that with food is coming so they are left disappointed a lot!
Baking last week we made little chocolate fudge cakes, this week Button Cookies are on the agenda. I have a cupcake book arriving some time this week which will I'm sure bring new ideas for next week.
This week The Guardian ends and I will just have a once weekly fix of the lovely Simon Baker in the Mentalist! The 3rd series of the Wire is also coming to an end and will finish next Monday. Series 4 will take us further into the mayoral race from Series 3 and into the school system and a closer look at Stanfield's drug gang.
Everything in the garden is going well, tomatoes are nearly ready to turn red and be ready for picking/eating. Have put a tray of nasturtiums next to my lettuces and another big nasturtium next to my beans and peas to keep the blackfly away. Seems to be working, worked amazingly well last year. My Love In A Mist flowers have just started flowering; I have a mixture of white, blue and pink ones. I thought my poppy had died but got another 4 poppies over the weekend, I'm waiting for the poppy heads to go brown so I can de-seed them and plant again.
I have a programme clash this week where I'm glad for sky+ as Dragons Den is back and so is Who Do You Think You Are which follows Davina McCall in its season opener.
I also spotted a Small Copper butterfly in the garden at the weekend, hopefully will see some more in the next few weeks. Jonathan has seen a Small White butterfly in the front garden. In the next few weeks we will be visiting Butterfly World which looks amazing!
That's all for now


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