
Tuesday, 7 July 2009

One Tree Hill is back......

So finally One Tree Hill came back and what a start!

Finally we know Lucas did call Peyton! But we all knew that right? Although there was this dream scene where Lucas celebrated a years anniversary with each of the choices; Brooke, Peyton and Lindsay. None of the dream scenes seemed bad and he seemed happy with each one so not really sure why he picked Peyton except that they always seemed destined to be together (such a geek!)

I was glad that they didn't have a quickie marriage in Las Vegas, just wait till everyone else knows they are engaged!

I had forgotten about Dan getting run over, I had suspected it was evil Carrie back again and driving the car. Now she has Dan imprisoned in her dad's old house and she wants his help to take Jamie.

At the end of the episode there was a shocking scene where Brooke is violently assaulted at her shop. Watching the preview for the next episode she seems ok but check out the bruises. Also there is a funeral scene; there were three people missing from the trailer-Mouth, Millicent and Quentin. Is it one of them?



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