
Wednesday, 24 June 2009


I have started to plan out my story, it's taking quite a lot of time

but I have realised when it's all done it will make writing the story
so much easier. I haven't thought of a title or anything for it yet.
I'm struggling to name characters at the moment, anyone got any ideas?

Because of planning the story I have fallen short on research for
cupcakes. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get some

Today hopefully there will be a new addition to our fish tank. Already
we have a orange and black oranda called Luke (named after Lucas from
One Tree Hill) and we are getting another oranda called Katie.
Hopefully we'll be getting some zebra danio's too. Not sure how we'll
name those as they all look the same!

I will leave this entry with a little thing I found out. The man who
invented the Nike logo got paid just $35 for the design!


1 comment:

  1. I read somewhere that you should give characters real names as, if you make them up they just won't seem real (because they're not?).

    So my advice is to go to a telephone directory and find a name you like and that would fit the character.

    Hope that helps!


I love to read all your comments and will always take the time to reply :-)