
Monday, 29 June 2009

One Tree Hill Season Six starts...

One Tree Hill Season Six starts Monday 6th July on e4 at 9pm.

Very excited!


Sunday, 28 June 2009

Weekend Update

My fish tank is now clean(ish) and I'm pleased to report that all the new fish have been getting on well with each other and of course our first fish Luke. He however is definitely the tank bully still, chasing the little ones out of his way and for gobbling up the most food! They have been introduced to spinach, grapes and peas; the latter is definitely the favourite as I had to fish (ha ha) out the other uneaten choices! Cleaning out the tank was quite easy and although it took me some time to work out the siphon cleaner we got there eventually. Tested the water tank about 5 hours later and it was perfect! So relieved.

Caught up on more TV recordings, the wonders of Sky+ Although everything seems to come nowhere near the finale of the fifth season of Greys Anatomy from Thursday night-totally hooked throughout the two hours! Cannot wait for season six, must find out who lives...Season six of One Tree Hill starts in July, can't wait to find out who Lucas rung and asked to marry him at the end if season five, Lindsay? Brooke? Peyton? It has to be Peyton right?

And then there's The Unit that has just started, ER (the final series - weep!), Dexter, Lie To Me, The Mentalist, House, Brothers and Sisters and The Guardian. Just a few programmes to keep me entertained! I have really enjoyed The TV adaptation of Martina Cole's The Take which finishes this week, she really likes to put a lot of violence in her books doesn't she? Fantastic though all the same!

Cupcake making is pencilled in my diary for this Wednesday, have ordered some individual silicone bakeware cases, such a geek I know! Also been researching different toppings and sprinkles for cakes, terrible thing is I research cake making and then I make myself hungry and have to eat, not a great way for me at moment as I try to get fit! Speaking of fitness I did a thoroughly exhausting boxing workout on the wii the other day, my arms were sore for at least 48 hours! Might do it again this week...I emphasis the word 'might'.

Had woken up deaf Sunday morning but am now pleased due to the next door neighbour's cat scaring me whilst collecting tomatoes from the garden that I can now hear again fine. Speaking of the garden, tomatoes are doing very well I just need to re-pot one plant into a bigger pot. Lettuces, peas and runner beans are also coming along nicely. I am particularly proud of my little gerbera daisy seedlings, I have had several unsuccessful attempts at trying to grow them and finally I have little leaves coming up.

Will write again soon


Friday, 26 June 2009

Quote time (OTH) Hansel said to Gretel...

Another taken from One Tree Hill the TV Series

Voiceover by Lucas

"And Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs... so that together we find our way home. Because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.' This year.. I lost my way."

Voiceover by Nathan

"And losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But, losing your reason for the journey... is a fate more cruel."

Voiceover by Peyton

"The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I travelled alone, sometimes, there were others who took the wheel -- and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn’t me who wasn't me at all."

Voiceover by Brooke

"And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be... or lose that person completely."

Voiceover by Mouth

"Because, sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been. And remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are."

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Today's Update

4 new fishes for the tank! Katie, (named after Kate from The Apprentice) a white and red oranda and 3 zebra danio's. Luke, who we have had for a week seems to be boss of the tank. There was a chance we weren't going to be allowed more fishes as Luke was not well yesterday, but a change of diet and he is all better.

Next week will be my first attempt at proper cupcake making. I say proper as of course I've made cupcakes before but never made any proper big iced ones before. My brother found a recipe and it always helps in a recipe book to see a picture of what they look like or "should" look like! I have now made that sound like I'm a bad cook, I'm not, I even have Home Economics as a GCSE!

Yesterday I lost a little more weight which just put me in the ideal bracket on the body mass index calculator. Played wii tennis for about an hour this morning and now my arms are aching so badly.

Tonight is the season finale of Grey's Anatomy, and yes I know what happens! Twitter kindly told me as the series was finishing in America, and then it became a trend so I clicked on the trend and there was post after post about the ending! Yes I have learnt my lesson.

I interrupted my writing to set up my wireless broadband connection, easy it was not. Over 4 hours later and I'm back online wirelessly. Also I ate 4 bourbon biscuits to deal with stress which maybe I should claim back!

I'm off to watch a bit of tennis now, Hewitt and Roddick through already today. I wonder if Andy Murray will get through...



Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Time for another favourite quote (Lucas Scott, OTH) "You want it all to have mattered"

From American TV Series One Tree Hill, Lucas Scott says

Sometimes when you're young, you think nothing can hurt you. It's like being invincible. Your whole life is ahead of you, and you have big plans. Big plans. To find your perfect match. The one that completes you. But as you get older, you realize it's not always that easy. It's not until the end of your life that you realize how the plans you made were simply plans. At the end, when you're looking back instead of forward, you want to believe that you made the most of what life gave you. You want to believe that you're leaving something good behind. You want it all to have mattered.


I have started to plan out my story, it's taking quite a lot of time

but I have realised when it's all done it will make writing the story
so much easier. I haven't thought of a title or anything for it yet.
I'm struggling to name characters at the moment, anyone got any ideas?

Because of planning the story I have fallen short on research for
cupcakes. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get some

Today hopefully there will be a new addition to our fish tank. Already
we have a orange and black oranda called Luke (named after Lucas from
One Tree Hill) and we are getting another oranda called Katie.
Hopefully we'll be getting some zebra danio's too. Not sure how we'll
name those as they all look the same!

I will leave this entry with a little thing I found out. The man who
invented the Nike logo got paid just $35 for the design!


Monday, 22 June 2009


Having had a look around some other blog pages, mainly the food ones to be honest, I have found a sudden urge to make cupcakes!

Not just any kind of cupcake but big iced delicious ones! Having looked at and currently following some blogs my desire is even more.

I need to do some more research obviously and currently bidding on a few books on eBay to help. But I will be sure to keep my blog updated on the wonderful world of cupcakes and how I get on making them!



Thinking about writing something serious

I have had an idea for ages about writing a story. I now think it might be time to put it all down and start a (dare I say it!) book!

I've read a few articles about starting writing with some clever folk saying "Once upon a time" is a good place to start! Haha very funny!

But along with my cupcake research I am going to start planning out the story, chapter by chapter.

It's quite weird but I don't have an ending for the story, I'm thinking writing it will help and then the ending will just occur.

And before you ask it's not a cupcake book....yet anyway.... I might write one in the future!



Sunday, 21 June 2009

Making changes

Sometimes you know you have to make a change, to make things better

for yourself. You need to feel happy in what you do and sometimes make
a change to feel complete.

This change might just be a change of hair colour, job, country even but it's a great adventure that you will only know if it will work when you've made the change.

Of course you'll be scared. I think being scared is a good sign as
it's your brain's way of making you prepare for things to be a little
unexpected. As, you can't live for the expected, nothing follows that
train of thought.

Whatever you decide to change about yourself or your life don't forget
about your past as it got you where you are today.


Saturday, 20 June 2009

Another fave quote! (from Meredith Grey, Greys Anatomy)

This time from American TV Series Grey's Anatomy, Meredith Grey says

"We spend our whole lives worrying about the future, planning for the future, trying to predict the future, as if figuring it out will cushion the blow. But the future is always changing. The future is the home of our deepest fears and wildest hopes. But one thing is certain when it finally reveals itself. The future is never the way we imagined it".

Friday, 19 June 2009

One of many of my fave quotes - "Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives or if the moments in our lives make us?"

From American TV Series One Tree Hill, Lucas Scott says

"Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives or if the moments in our lives make us?"

"If you could go back and change one thing about your life, would you? And if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that change ultimately break your heart? Or break the heart of another? Or would you choose an entirely different path? Or would you change just one thing, just one moment? One moment, that you've always wanted back."

First Blog

Hi this is my first blog so bare with me.... I don't really expect anyone to be following what I read to be honest and am not here to do this writing for anyone else really but of course you can continue to read if you have found it all intriguing.

I'm 28 and live in the United Kingdom. I am a avid sports fan, especially football but I do enjoy watching all sports. Currently trying to lose some weight so will probably write about that in my blog too.

I love good quotes so will probably feature quite a few on here.

Well that's all for now, will blog again very soon!
