
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Bloglovin changed!

This is another of my 'drama' moments when really it's not actually a drama but it is annoying, very annoying. I have used bloglovin for a while now to follow and read all my favourite blogs and bloggers. Then they changed it, well they updated it but lost the blogs I had 'starred' as my favourites. Yep drama!

I follow about a zillion blogs and when I have a spare moment (normally when travelling on the train) I open up the bloglovin app and work my way through my starred favourite blogs. If I have time I work my way through more. When you rely - yes rely on a website for a function and it's gone it makes me mad and also sad. I try to keep my little self so organised and I don't like change. Bloglovin on twitter did contact me and said my 'starred' blogs were lost probably for good and that the app is going to be having a big update soon. So now I'm moving and sorting my blog reader to something else, I'm trying out a few options and I think I'll have to do some kind of back up system for these.

Just when I was going to start my series for how I stay organised, something changes and pushes me into panic. It will be resolved soon and I'll keep you posted.

You can still follow my blog on bloglovin but please let me know if you have any issues with it. Bah, Sarah does not like change!



  1. I never really got the hang of Bloglovin to be honest, I'm on there but very very rarely check it as I didn't like the layout in the first place, might have a nosy ;) xx

  2. It's such a weird layout and they seem to now be updating it at a quick rate! It's a good place to find new blogs and bloggers to follow though, so it's got negs and positives for me x


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