
Friday 8 June 2012

Rainbows make me smile

The weather has been a lot colder so far in June and definitely wetter. That lovely week in May feels like a long time ago now. Please can our Summer return soon. Anyway before enjoying several Jubilee celebrations this weekend I needed to stock up on necessities, cake! Obviously. So off I drove to the shops with bestie moaning about the weather and me trying to restore some cheer and failing.

As we sat at the traffic lights with the rain pelting on my windscreen. The sky was getting so dark that my idea of wearing my canvas shoes as I was just 'popping' to the shops seemed like such a stupid thing to wear now. Stupid Sarah. The radio station wasn't being much help either to make our moods better either. So iPod it was. A quick shuffle press and this was the first song that played;

This was a favourite song of my friend Josh who passed away earlier this year. The song obviously makes me think about him and as the traffic lights changed to green, the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared.

Thanks Josh. We both needed that. Thanks for still watching over us.


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