
Friday 15 June 2012

Chrome lowers my internet usage!

You might remember last year I switched for a while to Google Chrome after having got a bit (ok, a lot) annoyed with Firefox. The temporary switch was just that, temporary. I was soon back in Firefox's clutches but I still wasn't happy. A year later and I'm now a full on Google Chrome lover and user. As you know impatient Sarah cannot wait and although I only made the switch just last month, it's a dream to use.

I do watch a lot of TV on catch up sites, particularly 4OD and I had been finding that my computer was forever freezing or jumping. I had two choices;

1. Switch from Firefox

2. Stop watching TV on my computer

Obviously I went with No 1. I made the switch and weirdly I felt nervous. Where would everything go? What about my bookmarks? Fear not. My bookmarks were copied over with ease and I delved straight away into the Chrome Store. I downloaded the necessity games (oops) and then went and added some real necessity apps like stumbleupon, pocket, evernote, buffer and Google +1 share. I was all set.

The other major surprise came when I was checking my daily internet usage. I have been working a bit from home recently so my internet usage had gone up in recent months and I think in March I nearly used all my allocation. Eeeeek! I finished last month on about 12MB less than April. That's a whole lot of wasted internet. I didn't move at the start of May so this month will be my test month as to whether it really has made that much of a difference. Now 4OD streams much better and even the dreaded ITV Player doesn't freeze as much. It still freezes at about 40 minutes but that's just 'the ITV player for you' - quote taken from twitter. Urgh. Sort it ITV.

I'll see how this goes but so far I am definitely glad I made the switch. Have you?


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