
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Blog Love - February

Another month gone, seriously how fast is 2012 going? Here are my Top 5 new blogs that I came across this month, do let me know of any you think I should be reading. My blog reader is pretty full but it's full of great stuff, so any more is most welcome!

Stunning arty pictures with all the pictures showing how tidy you can be with for example nibs for a pen all laid out. Really great site to keep coming back to

Have you written or thought about your own bucket list? With this site you can submit your own bucket list ideas for submission or you can read others wishes and see if they trigger something you'd like to do. Great inspirational idea.

This site is so silly but it's fun. Pictures of fashion with pokemon photo shopped into the images, it's silly but yet everytime it comes up on either my tumblr feed or my bloglovin it always makes me smile.

The tagline for this blog sums this up perfectly - Real Women. Real Stories. Real Life. :-)

Found this site just last week and started reading back through the blog history, loved it. Now one of the first blogs that I read when I see there is a new update. Honest opinion with a mix of humour! Love it.

I mentioned online the other day that whenever I'm going to Baker Street on the tube I end up getting Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street song in my head. Apparently I'm not the only one! Yay! More kooky people :-)


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