Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Forever losing your keys?
Are you forever losing your keys?
Well I'll admit I probably waste more time than I should do looking for my keys - although you'll find through this post that I have found out "the place" I always leave them!
This Sonic Keyfinder Keyring is here to give us that little bit of help. Including batteries and a spare set (very rare these days!). So when you've lost your keys you give a little whistle...
Anyone noticed how hard it is sometimes to whistle on demand and don't even try when you're giggling!
Then you'll hear the beep and also the LED flashing. Now the bizarre thing is it's any noise, not just whistling that sets this off. I have found out I leave my keys by the phone causing the keyfinder to go off every time the phone rang! Also my laugh sets it off ( I don't laugh like a whistle!) and I've had to take the batteries out when I'm going out, especially if I'm going to the cinema! It's a good little gift but maybe just for inside the home.
But at least I know where I leave my keys, why was that always the last place I had looked before!
- I was sent the Sonic Keyfinder keyring free for an honest product review, you can have a look at more Christmas gifts here
Monday, 29 October 2012
Music Monday: Pink - Try
Friday, 26 October 2012
The Friday File #8 - Jon Hamm
My Friday Files come around so fast, not that I mind of course! This week sees Jon Hamm take centre stage. I fell in love with him and of course Don Draper in Mad Men and also loved the movie "The Town". Quite excited to see him play sports agent J.B. Bernstein in "The Million Dollar Arm".
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Reading isn't a task!
I write a to-do list every single day with ten things that I need to do. I keep it to ten, why do more? ;-) I wrote one on Sunday and didn't even notice really what I'd written down until I read it back through, there are number six was "READ MY BOOK".
Since when did this become a task? No, no, no, no. Then I thought back to when I had last read my book. Ummmmm when was that...
I have books to read for the review site that I write for over with Larissa but my actual book pile was just increasing and I wasn't reading. How did this happen? When was my "me time" gone?
I then put aside my to-do list and made myself a cuppa hot chocolate with whipped cream (yep!) and three* bourbon biscuits and sat down for a whole hour with my book. It was bliss. It's not something that needs to go on my to-do list but it is important to my zen. I just need to assign time differently, reading isn't a task. It's a love.
*Biscuits should always be in three's. One is never enough, two is not quite hitting the spot but four is one away from five! Three is the ultimate in biscuit numbers.
Monday, 22 October 2012
Music Monday: Phoenix - Run Run Run
The very first time I heard this song it was almost permanently stuck in my head for years. I'd find myself randomly singing "Run, Run, Run" or singing "contradictions get me everything I want". Yep. It's rolling around in my head now. The song came into my head rather randomly (as per usual) when I did some photocopying (dullest job ever?) and I was humming along.
Apologies if this got stuck in your head.
I might be lying. I'm not sorry at all!
Friday, 19 October 2012
The Friday File #7 - Brad Pitt
From the moment I first saw Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall I was in love. Yep. Love. Hook, line and sinker in love. Ooh he's just SO swoonworthy (totally a word!). More fantastic films followed with more times to ogle watch him; Se7en, Fight Club and the Oceans Eleven + sequels are amongst my favourites.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Slicethepie takes to the catwalk
I have written before about the slicethepie review site but that was about reviewing music. Now they have branched out into reviewing fashion. It works in the same format as the music and at the moment the payout is higher but I'm not sure if that will change. I think also it still could be going through testing so I'm not sure if it is a long term thing. At the moment they pay $0.20 for every review that you complete.
You are shown an item of clothing and you need to write about what you think of it, much like the music reviews saying "I hate it" won't work. You need to explain why you don't like it or why you do like it, the site will send you back to your review until you have completed enough. You also need to rate the item out of ten and also state the price range that you think the item is.
From doing a few of these I have noticed that the same item can come around but in different colours so you might find yourself repeating yourself if you don't like the style. Never copy the review from one to another, they track this also. This one is ideal for fashion type bloggers who want to get into reviewing and also see some new products. I'll be sticking to the music ones personally but I might have the odd look through the fashion items.
You can sign up here at
Monday, 15 October 2012
Music Monday: Train - Drive By
A lot of my Music Monday choices come from shuffle plays on my iPod and this one is following that same theme. Last week driving to work I was so bored by every radio station on my presets, I was late, the traffic was a nightmare and I went for the iPod. Hit shuffle and voila! I was sat at traffic lights singing away, yes I do that!
I really love this song. It reminds me of Summer, which isn't so bad when I'm driving in the rain!
Friday, 12 October 2012
The Friday File #6 - Jeremy Renner
Another of the boys from The Avengers, this might end up being a theme for a while. Jeremy's break through came in the 2009 film, The Hurt Locker. Other films; The Town, Thor, Avengers Assemble, Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol and The Bourne Legacy followed. Next year he will be in the new Hansel and Gretel movie, quite looking forward to see how that works out. But for now, here's Renner.
Monday, 8 October 2012
Music Monday: Adele - Skyfall
I first heard a small snippet of Adele's Bond theme for the new Daniel Craig film 'Skyfall' and I was unimpressed. Yes I know, how dare I! I love Adele but the snippet just didn't grab me, then I got to listen to it as a whole. Oh this song has levels!
Sure the lyrics mean nothing yet, these will probably make more sense when we see the film. Ignore the lyrics and focus on the music, it's the big band dramatic song that made Bond films much more than just a film. They created identity.
Listen to the beginning and you'll hear it played over the piano before the chorus and you'll also hear it at the end of the chorus. There's Bond in this theme, that tune. The John Barry chord is hauntingly placed in a great tribute to Bond's 50th.
He's aged well right? ;-)
Skyfall will be in cinemas from October 26th.
007 website
Sky Movies have a special 007 channel on 303. James Bond movies pretty much all day. Be warned, it's not very productive but I guess it depends what is on your list ;-)
Friday, 5 October 2012
The Friday File #5 - Chris Hemsworth
It's Friday again which means another Friday File. This week sees Thor take centre stage, I mean Chris Hemsworth. He was first on my TV as Kim in Home and Away and is now a household name. Playing Thor in the Marvel films has shot him to stardom and ladies are just in awe.
Yes we are.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Finally I've given up on X Factor
It was inevitable really wasn't it? I have written several times on my blog about my addiction to The X Factor, I've probably written about a thousand and maybe more tweets about it. So far this series I've watched about 30 minutes, I'm simply bored of it.
Last year was definitely when I really got sick of it, all the sparkle had gone and I was tired of the sob stories. Just let them sing FFS! Now my Saturday nights involve catching up with other TV programmes. Wasn't X Factor on for nearly 3 hours over the weekend, why did I waste my life watching it?
No more. I'm taking my life back. Besides Strictly starts this weekend... yes I know, I know. Shhhh!
Monday, 1 October 2012
Music Monday: Muse - Madness
Today sees Muse release their latest album 'The 2nd Law' and you might have already grabbed the opportunity to have a listen via the band website. For me this single, the first from the new album is different from their usual work. That isn't a criticism as we all evolve through our lives and all bands slightly change through time too.
Muse website
I like it and hopefully Mr Postman brings my album CD today. Yay!