
Monday, 31 January 2011

A Daily Waffle

Image from HERE

How is that for breakfast? Every day. Delicious. Why shouldn't you add a bit of something totally naughty to your day?

Friday, 28 January 2011

Guest Post: Why I travel...

Today I spare you the ramblings of my world and head you into the inspiring words from another. I asked earlier this month if anyone fancied doing a blog swap and I'm pleased to say it will be a regular feature from now on. 

This first blog comes from Goodbye Blighty written by Waqqar who was one of my first twitter followers and of course he's a Manchester United fan! The blog is one of my favourite daily reads and this entry explains why;

Thursday, 27 January 2011

On repeat...

Image from HERE

I've found two songs have been stuck in my head this week but for very different reasons. Music is very important to me and it helps shape my mood.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

A different family history

At school I did enjoy history but I confess I do not know that much about the history of the Royal Family. Yes I know how dare I live here and not know the ins and outs of the most famous family, but I don't. After watching The King's Speech I felt I was suddenly putting it all together more clearer in my head.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Sarah Loves... Toy Story

Image from HERE

Toy Story is awesome right? I love it. I don't just mean the first one, I mean the second and the third too. There are rumours of a fourth film too, and I'm sure I'll love that one too.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Pin it!

Now I love pinboards, I have several dotted about the home with cards, invites, receipts, photos, recipes etc. So I admit I was very excited when I got sent an invite to Pinterest. This site becomes your virtual pinboard. 

Friday, 21 January 2011

Out like a light...

Yesterday morning I'd woken up, meditated, dressed and then sat with the iPad and caught up on the news and gossip whilst I'd been asleep. Little did I know then I'd be out of the "technology world" later on through the day.

I needed to get to physio and booked a cab using my iPhone and noticed it was at about 40% charged, it was ok I would charge it when I got back home. The iPad was also running a bit low but again would charge that when I got home.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

The Care Bears Movie

Yes this is a blog about The Care Bears Movie. Stop giggling. This isn't a blog about it being my favourite kids film; although I admit it's probably on the list but the reason I'm blogging about it is that the evil spirit woman in the book still scares me when I watch it now!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Black Swan

Image from HERE

I've wanted to see the film Black Swan for some time and I've noticed already that it's getting a lot of publicity and especially amongst the fashion magazines. I'm not much of a fashion magazine reader but I admit I do dabble every now and then. I've noticed a ballerina esque style to some designs. I've also spotted a few ballerina type exercises being used throughout yoga classes and some gyms are also running "Ballet workouts".

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Sarah Loves... DJ Hero

I can get extremely addicted to games as you may have already spotted. For Christmas the lovely Spurs boy got me DJ Hero and I'm hooked. I played it non stop for a day in between Christmas and New Year. The next day he hid the turntable in our loft, a place I never go to - Spiders live in there!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Gardening and Springpad

Image from HERE

I love snowdrops, and I have started to see the odd bunch springing through around where we live, no flowers yet though but I can see where they are going to be budding. I do enjoy seeing them in random places. Last week after seeing the soon to be snowdrops flowering I got to think about the blissbubbley gardening project of 2011. Yes I'm quite the green fingered gardener. 

Friday, 14 January 2011

Training my Brain

Image from HERE

I received a lovely parcel of "silliness" as we are calling it from Soapgirl Thoughts and inside were a lot of fun things puzzle books, pom pom craft kits, sweeties and much more. So sitting down with Little man (he's 7 years old) with one of the puzzle books we did a spot the difference puzzle, and then another and so on. There began to be a familiar theme. He was always winning and I wasn't letting him.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

The Duvet Stealer

Image from HERE

Do you have a duvet stealer?

In our flat the duvet stealer comes in the middle of the night and takes the duvet away, it's then cold and can be a while before the duvet is returned. The duvet is never very far though but it's all wrapped up like a cocoon.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Time is a healer

Time is a great healer for some and for others it can make them brood and never get through their past. There was a time when I wasn't sure I would get to the latter part of the first sentence and get to the healing part.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Sarah Loves... Muse

I've always liked Muse but found working in a record store for several years had (as with other musical tastes of mine) made it turn from like into love. As with anything though the more you talk about something you like the more it seems to turn into being something you really enjoy. Daily conversations about mutual music tastes in the store made me know more about the bands I'd liked.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Want to blog swap?

So in my procrastinating state in the last few days I fancied getting a bit of a new challenge for myself blogging wise. A few months ago I had spoken with a few other bloggers at separate times about doing a blog swap and then never did anything about it. Until now...

Saturday, 8 January 2011

You are beautiful!

Very few things get me annoyed as I'm a happy go lucky girl but last night and then again today I became enraged by this Kenneth Tong idiot that has hit twitter (unsure of who he is read this). Through this blog I have tried to be a positive influence on those who take the time to read it, and especially young women.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Blissbubbley - What's in a name?

A lot of people ask me about where my twitter name @blissbubbley comes from. I admit it's nice to have something original and that is all mine. I've used it now also on my here, tumblr and it's now my internet name for myself. So where did it come from? I'll tell you.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Get it right next time

I'm sure you're all aware of Gerry Rafferty's passing this week. Again this was another artist I got into due to my Dad's CD collection. Although "Baker Street" is probably Rafferty's most talked about song it's another one that hits home to me.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Chocolate Recovery and Curves

If your home is anything like mine after Christmas it's full of chocolates, biscuits and crisps. How anyone sets a New Years Resolution for losing weight when there is so much temptation around is beyond me. Maybe they have better willpower than me!

Monday, 3 January 2011

Quite the little shopper...

This Christmas my God-daughter gave me the above mug and tin (the mug came in the tin) and it was the first present she had given me that she had actually herself decided upon, she had no help from her Mum. Apparently she was pretty adamant that she was going to get me this. And....